
WordPalette Software


WordPalette Übersicht

- Palettes are converted sources of text used to populate the word sliders.

- Activate and deactivate your collected Palettes to control what appears in the word sliders.

- For cut-up method purists: use *only* the word sliders, hunting through the lanes for the perfect compliments and juxtapositions.

- Alternatively, enable our Share extension to send text from other apps to be converted into Palettes.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Meet your new muse. Destroy writer's block forever. Escape the beaten path and discover what you *didn't know* you wanted to say. 〰 Bypass your ego and regain your creative spark - When experiencing writer's block our own minds can be our worst enemy. - We get caught in the mud, hung up, and mope around in endless ruts, seemingly cursed by an infinite loop of inaction. - But sometimes we've just got to hit refresh, shuffle the deck, ruffle some feathers, evacuate our comfort zones, and sidestep our rituals and habits. - When songwriters get stuck -- they switch to a different instrument - diese App is a different instrument! 〰 Up to six sliding lanes of intelligently scrambled text - Short poetic phrases are intuitively grouped and stair-cased across the slider lanes - Each lane slides in both directions independently - The phrases are loaded from Palettes (your collected text sources) 〰 Quickly switch between keyboards - Simply tap the keyboard button, or swipe left to quickly switch between the slider lanes and the default iOS keyboard - You're not just switching between keyboards but between creative states - Many workflows are possible : - Rapid-fire between the keyboards, leveraging the "found" inspiration of the sliders with your own creative reactions. - Use the sliders to amass a collection of words that resonate with you, then switch to the default keyboard and weave them together. - For cut-up method purists: use *only* the word sliders, hunting through the lanes for the perfect compliments and juxtapositions. 〰 Import your favorite text sources and convert them into Palettes. - Palettes are converted sources of text used to populate the word sliders. - Instantly paste copied text via the Add (+) button on the Palettes page, and convert. - You can also import plain .txt files from iCloud Drive and other popular cloud services - Alternatively, enable our Share extension to send text from other apps to be converted into Palettes. 〰 Mix and match your Palettes - Activate and deactivate your collected Palettes to control what appears in the word sliders. - The word slider keyboard will only pull phrases from currently activated Palettes. - Get creative with your combinations! (i.e., text from an article on underwater birth, and an article on the predatory habits of sharks) 〰 Contact - https://diese App.io - dev@diese App.io - @wordpalettes on Twitter / Instagram ¶

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Reinhard Giebel


Großartige App, mit der das Arbeiten viel Spaß macht; Ideen kommen fast von selbst! Reinhard Giebel

durch Wink Smiley

Eventually something that makes sense...!

This one is next to genius. Q: How do I delete a custom palette...?

durch Andevine


1. super App und macht richtig Spaß 2. völlig intuitiv, dauert 2min, dann hat ma's 3. so ästhetisch, dass ma gar nirgends anders mehr schreiben mag 😍👍 Aber: wie bekomm ich meinen Text aus der App wieder heraus? Wenn es die Export Funktion gibt, dann gibts 100 Punkte...

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