There are parking lots that only fairies know about... Polly knows all the streets in the city and can tell you where to find parking... As soon as you arrive to an area, where it’s hard to find parking, you ask her for help and she will help and navigate you through these streets.
Es gibt Parkhäuser, über die nur Feen Bescheid wissen... Polly kennt alle Straßen in der Stadt und kann dir sagen, wo du am besten einen Parkplatz findest.
When it comes down to Polly, the parking mission isn’t completed until you find your convenient parking spot, which saves you time, money and a fair amount of stress.
Letzten Endes ist für Polly die Mission nicht abgeschlossen solange du nicht einen bequemen Parkplatz gefunden hast, der dir Zeit, Geld und Nerven erspart.
In the rare cases, in which the magic doesn’t work and even a fairy like Polly cannot find on-street parking, Polly will suggest to take you to a parking lot.