Zensong - Sounds of Earth

Zensong - Sounds of Earth Software


Zensong Übersicht

If you plan on using Zen Song to help you sleep then it is a good idea to use the timer so it doesn’t play all night.

Is your mind racing when your trying to sleep? Or perhaps you need some background noise while to meditate or maybe you have a noisy neighbor.

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Is your mind racing when your trying to sleep? Or perhaps you need some background noise while to meditate or maybe you have a noisy neighbor. Put your mind at ease with sounds that are tuned to the ear. It helps if you try to focus on visualizing the sounds to get your mind off things When opening a sound there is two buttons beside the play button one is a Alarm and another is a timer Alarm - Set this to wake up to the sound currently selected at the desired time. Timer - Set this to stop all sounds after a certain duration. If you plan on using Zen Song to help you sleep then it is a good idea to use the timer so it doesn’t play all night. Why upgrade to Pro? -31+ Sounds -Play multiple sound at once with custom mixes -No advertisements We love to here from you! If you have a suggestion or problem let us know at [email protected]

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