
WineAdvisor Software


Über: WineAdvisor operates as a social mobile app for wine.
Hauptsitz: Perpignan, Languedoc-Roussillon, France.

WineAdvisor Übersicht

With over a million ratings and comments posted on the app in over 5 years, you are sure to choose the right wine! You will also have access to key information such as food and wine pairings, aging potential, grape varieties, serving temperature, etc.

Discover the first FREE cellar management tool that features automatic label recognition! Simply photograph your bottles to create your virtual wine cellar in the app.

So you will never again forget the magnificent Gevrey-Chambertin opened at Christmas or the superb Chianti discovered during your holidays in Italy! And during a next tasting, WineAdvisor will let you know if you have already tasted this wine and what you thought of it.

In addition to the good deals shared in the application, our expert sends you his best discoveries every week! On the program, an original selection at the best price, composed only of vintages that we would all like to have in our cellar.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App is a completely free wine application which guides you before a purchase and which allows you to manage your wine cellar! • Choose the right wine! Take a picture of the label of a bottle of wine and immediately hear what the diese App community has to say. With over a million ratings and comments posted on the app in over 5 years, you are sure to choose the right wine! You will also have access to key information such as food and wine pairings, aging potential, grape varieties, serving temperature, etc. • Take your wine cellar with you everywhere! Discover the first FREE cellar management tool that features automatic label recognition! Simply photograph your bottles to create your virtual wine cellar in the app. Then add or remove cuvées from your inventory according to your purchases and tastings. Is mealtime approaching? Easily find the ready-to-drink wine that will match your dish. Managing your inventory has never been so easy and fun! • Memorize your tastings! Browse the wines you have tasted as well as the rating and comment you gave them. So you will never again forget the magnificent Gevrey-Chambertin opened at Christmas or the superb Chianti discovered during your holidays in Italy! And during a next tasting, diese App will let you know if you have already tasted this wine and what you thought of it. • Follow the diese App news! Thanks to our personalized news feed, find the latest tastings from your friends and influential members of the community, discover infographics and exclusive articles to become knowledgeable about the world of wine and, finally, take advantage of our offers to make you fun at a low price and with free delivery! • Subscribe to our newsletter ! In addition to the good deals shared in the application, our expert sends you his best discoveries every week! On the program, an original selection at the best price, composed only of vintages that we would all like to have in our cellar. Also, don't miss our monthly newsletter featuring diese App news, the user and the wine of the month, a cooking recipe and many other surprises!

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Sushisascha

Not bad at all!!

In general, the app is not bad at all. It does get your wine info 99% right, the other 1% gets one or two things wrong. For example, the date or the origin of the wine is not always correct. However, that's not much of a problem because the corrections can be edited.

durch DalMattiner

Kein Ausprobieren ohne Registrierung

... und die Datenschutzerklärung nur auf französisch. App direkt wieder gelöscht. Schade, klang eigentlich vielversprechend.

durch CubeW

Timeline leer

Kann mich nicht mehr per email einloggen. Per Facebook login ist die timeline leer. Sorgfältig aufgebaute Timeline scheinbar weg? Sehr enttäuscht, jetzt wertlos, werde es löschen. Lieber weinliste in eigener Textdatei anlegen, hier ist der Datenbestand nicht sicher!

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