Music Crab-Learn to read music

Music Crab-Learn to read music Software


Music Crab Learn to read music Übersicht

Beginner’s Tip: On level 1 pick treble clef or bass clef and let the keyboard notes guide you.

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Music Crab is a fun, free musical game for learning to read music! Follow the steps of a crab diving through the ocean, through 182 levels, improve your memory and train your ear at your own pace, music theory has never been as easy! Just select your crab, your keyboard and begin the game. Beginner’s Tip: On level 1 pick treble clef or bass clef and let the keyboard notes guide you. Listen carefully to the intervals between the notes to work out the name of the next note. The better you get at reading the notes, the larger the intervals become and the harder the sight-reading becomes! Challenge your friends or family in Crab Run and compete together to see who is capable of the highest score! Music Crab is adapted not only for children but also for parents and helps greatly with improving sight-reading! Featuring many Keyboards! : Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Si Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si C D E F G A B C D E F G A H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 स रे ग म प ध नि ハ ニ ホ ヘ トイ ロ До pe ми фа соль ля си 도 레 미 파 솔 라 시

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durch Floriole136725787

Recall App-Purchases

Hello, i bought 200 Shells on my iphone. On my iPad everything is still locked. How to recall in-App-purchase? No contact to Team possible, neither here nor on their website:(

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