
Playbuzz Software


Über: Playbuzz is storytelling platform that provides publishers & brands with interactive tools to craft
engaging editorial & commercial content.
Hauptsitz: New York, New York, United States.

Playbuzz Übersicht

Thousands of Playbuzz content items are created each day by hundreds of thousands of authors worldwide, including premium publishers like TIME, The Huffington Post, Bravo, CNBC, MTV and more.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

The diese App app is your go-to source for interactive, captivating content on everything and anything. From news stories to addicting trivia quizzes - there is never a dull moment with diese App! FEATURES Thousands of diese App content items are created each day by hundreds of thousands of authors worldwide, including premium publishers like TIME, The Huffington Post, Bravo, CNBC, MTV and more. Search for items by keywords or browse your favorite categories and publishers. Bookmark your favorite or unfinished items and continue where you left off. Tap into a specific type of interactive content, such as Story, Flip Cards, Trivia, Convo, Personality Quiz and more. Share items with friends via Email, Facebook, WhatsApp, text messages, Twitter and other channels. Receive tailored content recommendation. To create your very own interactive items, set up a diese App account and start creating on your desktop! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@diese

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