Anonymous Chat Rooms - NoName

Anonymous Chat Rooms - NoName Software


Anonymous Chat Rooms Übersicht

Our goal is to help people meet each other, no matter if it's to make new friends, search for your life partner, date online, or just have casual chats to kill time.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Are you the kind of person who likes to meet new people? Or maybe you're bored and want to kill time? NoName is the chat app that you're looking for! Our goal is to help people meet each other, no matter if it's to make new friends, search for your life partner, date online, or just have casual chats to kill time. Others would have you pay a small fortune (or even a subscription) just to have one or two good chats, but NoName is the first of its kind: you can send as many invites, messages, gifs, photos, and videos as you want! NoName comes with some great features: - 1-on-1 private chat rooms - Group Chats with moderation tools - Certified selfie system for real pics - Safe blur to prevent unsolicited pictures - Invite filters to prevent unsolicited requests - Screenshot notifications for profiles and rooms - Karma and Popularity to naturally boost your profile - Passcode protection with support for Touch ID and Face ID Because we want everyone to have a safe experience, the following rules are actively enforced: - You must be at least 18 years of age to use this app - Profile pictures and usernames must be appropriate - No self-promotion, no advertisement See you there!

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Arshia4


That's perfect app but there are too many district rules

durch Nikkkkka3

Great App!

I love this app! Great people, great stories and much fun. :)

durch desgehtnet

gaaanz mies 👎

mal abgesehen davon das ich selten eine so schlecht programmierte app gesehen habe scheinen die mods gewaltig einen an der waffel zu haben. hatte die app geladen und getestet. waren ganze 2 leute online und eine anständige konversation fand nicht statt. geht auch garnicht da der verlauf alle paar sec gelöscht wird. aber zum eigentlichen teil: wollte heute nochmal reinschauen und bekam doch tatsächlich die meldung: this device has been banned by the moderating team mal ehrlich, welcher normale mod verbannt jemanden aus einem chatroom in dem sich ganze 3 leute aufhalten weil man sich erlaubt "hi" und "where are you from" zu schreiben? antworten kamen übrigens sowieso keine... fazit: - 5 sterne, geht garnicht, absoluter müll

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