The books of "Living a Book" are written by ordinary people for writers and book lovers from all over the world, be part of the movement and become the author of your own interactive book.
This app is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices, Get the Free Download with an In-app purchase, This Interactive Book App is published by Living a Book.
"Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where your decisions change and trigger new stories and a new ending.
An Interactive Book App with images, music, decisions and multiple endings.
"Meet Your Man" is available today, you get to choose the course of the story, become the main character, choose your path wisely and discover our multiple endings.
Now like never before, you feel the need to love and be loved, and you have the opportunity to choose between three admirers who over time have shown interest in you.
Romance novel "Meet Your Man” You're a young and beautiful girl, you must choose between 3 guys to start a new relationship.
Interactive book with multiple endings.
A girl must decide between three admirers who have shown her interest.
In recent years, you've had terrible experiences with all the wrong guys, whom you definitely would have been better off avoiding.
You met him several years ago when he worked in one of the branches of the multinational company you work for.
He is super sexy, with a sculpted body, deep green eyes, and light brown hair.
Has a great tan, intense honey colored eyes, and a beautiful smile.
Book of the year.