Dont Touch My Phone app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

Dont Touch My Phone funktioniert nicht

Veröffentlicht von on 2024-08-06

Do you worry about losing or misplacing your phone? Are you concerned that
someone might snoop through your mobile device? Don't Touch My Phone puts an end
to all your concerns. Don't Touch My Phone is an app designed to provide a
suite of features to protect your phone from unauthorized access and theft.

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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Fitness Training Global, den Entwicklern von Dont Touch My Phone in Kontakt zu treten..

18.18% Kontaktübereinstimmung


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Website: Dont Touch My Phone Website besuchen

About this app

Don't Touch My Phone: This feature triggers a loud alarm if anyone tries to move or touch your device, ensuring your phone stays safe in any setting.  Airplane Alarm: Prevents hackers from isolating your device by sounding an alarm when Airplane Mode is activated, ensuring your phone remains connected and trackable.  Charging Alarm: Activates an alarm if your phone is unplugged from the charger without your permission, perfect for preventing theft while your device is charging in public or at the office.  Don't Touch My Phone is an app designed to provide a suite of features to protect your phone from unauthorized access and theft.  Intruder Alarm: Detects multiple unsuccessful unlock attempts and activates an alarm while capturing a photo of the intruder, giving you evidence of who tried to access your device.  "Don't Touch My Phone" offers advanced security features to protect your phone in any situation.  Download Don't Touch My Phone now to explore more features.  Set up other features for your phone alarm: Sound alert, flash, etc. 5.  Don't Touch My Phone puts an end to all your concerns.  Do you worry about losing or misplacing your phone?  Download “Don't Touch My Phone” on the App Store and open this app. 4.  Are you concerned that someone might snoop through your mobile device?  Download the app today for ultimate mobile security and peace of mind. 1.  This app will help you to prevent someone else from touching your device. 

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