SayOrca app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

SayOrca funktioniert nicht

Veröffentlicht von on 2023-07-14

Ever wanted to speak like an orca? For over 50 years, OrcaLab has been listening
to the unique and beautiful calls of the Northern Resident Orca community who
inhabit the waters of British Columbia, Canada. There are over 300 orcas in this
community, and each family has its own distinct sound.

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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Pacific Orca Society, den Entwicklern von SayOrca in Kontakt zu treten..

100% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: OrcaLab

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: SayOrca Website besuchen

About this app

For over 50 years, OrcaLab has been listening to the unique and beautiful calls of the Northern Resident Orca community who inhabit the waters of British Columbia, Canada.  Each matriline has a repertoire of around 10-15 discreet calls which forms their acoustic signature, and with enough practice you'll be able to recognize different orcas just by listening!  From July through September you can test your skills by listening live to our hydrophones, as the Northern Resident Orcas visit their summer home.  In this app, you'll learn how to classify different orca families - called 'matrilines' based entirely on their sound.  All recordings are the property of the Pacific Orca Society and may not be shared, distributed or copied without permission.  There are over 300 orcas in this community, and each family has its own distinct sound.  This reference app was made by the non-profit whale research station, OrcaLab.  Ever wanted to speak like an orca?  Head to our website to learn more.  For licensing inquiries please contact OrcaLab directly via their website. 

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