BarMax is free to download, giving you access to our MPRE course featuring audio lectures, black-letter law outlines, flashcards and real MPRE questions from previous exams.
Supplements, like our bank of 1750+ real MBE questions, start at just $399.99. BarMax offers the most competitive packages for bar exam review, allowing all students to gain immediate access to high-quality bar exam review without the need for bar loans.
Developed by Harvard Law School alumni, BarMax is the top-rated bar exam review course in the App Store, with the highest overall pass rates.
Build test-taking confidence by studying with over 1,750 real MBE questions, plus real essays and real performance tests licensed directly from the NCBE (not made-up questions, like those used in other bar review courses).
With on-demand audio lectures by notable Harvard Law School-educated professors, BarMax helps you learn on-the-go (no Internet required) and at your pace, so you can ditch the classroom, and make bar prep fit your schedule.