Midnight Planets

Midnight Planets Software


Über: Midnight Martian is an applcation developing company. They develop applications for the iOS users.
Applications developed by them includes
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Midnight Planets Übersicht

It lets you view almost every image returned by the rovers in panoramic context, and provides a number of options for viewing in 3D.

Midnight Planets lets you explore Mars as seen by the Mars Rovers Curiosity, Spirit and Opportunity.

The app is an ongoing project in visualizing other worlds, using image data from spacecraft exploring our solar system.

Offizielle Bildschirmfotos


Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Midnight Planets lets you explore Mars as seen by the Mars Rovers Curiosity, Spirit and Opportunity. It lets you view almost every image returned by the rovers in panoramic context, and provides a number of options for viewing in 3D. The app is an ongoing project in visualizing other worlds, using image data from spacecraft exploring our solar system.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Häääääö?


Super schöne und interessante Bilder Funktioniert super einfach und macht echt Spaß einfach herum zu „fahren“

durch Seaman83


This is First Time i See Mars from Other Perspective and this is Great

durch Mike Mikke

Space ...

Great ☀️

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