If you didn’t know about one or more of the above what are you waiting for?! The International Space Station is the largest man made satellite ever built and it can regularly be easily seen from your home! All you need are cloudless skies when a visible pass occurs and Sat Seeker to show you when and where to look.
You don’t want to have to manually monitor when passes are due to occur next so Sat Seeker calculates precise pass details based on your location and then notifies you automatically.
Are you still reading? If you’ve made it this far then maybe you still have doubts…would it help if I said that on rare occasions you can also see ISS passes followed shortly by visiting spacecraft such as the the SpaceX Dragon? Visible occurrences of these passes are much rarer but we try to announce these on our social media channels.
Shortly before an upcoming pass Sat Seeker displays a notification so you will never miss a visible pass if you fail to check upcoming pass times.
Be patient, due to changes in the earth’s position and the ISS orbit sometimes your location won't have a visible pass for a week or two but they will come back around.