iPoe Vol. 1 - Edgar Allan Poe

iPoe Vol. 1 - Edgar Allan Poe Software


iPoe Vol 1 Übersicht

iClassics Collection is a revolutionary collection of book apps where you’ll discover literary classics such as Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft and Charles Dickens through a unique interactive and immersive experience.

By casting a modern glare on a fine selection of Edgar Allan Poe's stories, the result is a spectacular and wholly original experience that utilizes every feature of modern mobile devices (gyro-perspective, flash, vibration).

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

iClassics: Beyond Engrossing iClassics unites the old and the new to create immersive experiences that inspire and move everyone. Through cutting-edge technology and sophisticated artwork, the iPoe Collection Vol. 1 served as iClassics Production's first Immersive Entertainment app, and went on to gather numerous awards. By casting a modern glare on a fine selection of Edgar Allan Poe's stories, the result is a spectacular and wholly original experience that utilizes every feature of modern mobile devices (gyro-perspective, flash, vibration). TILT to reveal what's in the shadows TOUCH to uncover obscured details TURN to discover what lurks off the screen Interaction, illustration, animation, FX, and OST all combine to create a unique and innovative entertainment experience that stands somewhere between the cinematic and the literary. -------------------- Editor's Choice Award of Children's Technology Review 2013 #1 Book in Spain, Mexico, France, Belgium, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Ecuador, Czech Republic and Belize. #1 App on Overlapps.com ----------------------- Edgar Allan Poe was a maverick, a man whose inventiveness and creative madness helped to define the horror and macabre genres. It is thus fitting to experience his works in an equally inventive format that showcases his work in a modern and artistically sophisticated way. In this first edition, the following classics are included: -The Oval Portrait -The Tell-Tale Heart -Annabel Lee -The Masque of the Red Death ----------------------- "iPoe is of such high quality that it underscored the strength of Poe's material." -padgadget.com "This is Poe the way he should be presented to new audiences: haunting, cautionary, and brilliant." -Technologytell.com --------------------- Highlights: - Fully illustrated by David Garcia Forés - Interactive elements and animations that bring the stories to life - Original soundtrack produced by Teo Grimalt - Texts in FOUR languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. - Edgar Allan Poe Biography - A collection of the illustrator’s sketches --------------------- The iPoe Collection marked the beginning of iClassics Production's journey, and has now become a classic in its own right, along with a cult following. Be part of it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- About iClassics Collection: iClassics Collection is a revolutionary collection of book apps where you’ll discover literary classics such as Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft and Charles Dickens through a unique interactive and immersive experience. Discover more at www.iclassicscollection.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please SHARE YOUR REVIEW below. It means a lot to us! We'd Love To Hear From You! - Need tech support? Contact us at [email protected] - Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/ipoecollection

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Chess_player

Black Screen Fix!

Thank you so very much for fixing the problem with iOS13!! It would also be super if you could update Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 with the same fix! This is a great App, I am so happy that it works again! Love it!

durch Painy25

Toller Medien-Mix

Ich bin ein Neuling, was Poe anbetrifft, aber das Buch ist schon sehr gut gemacht und bereitet Lust auf mehr. Hier wird zum normalen Lesen passende Musik eingespielt, Animationen gezeigt, Interaktive Elemente geboten und das alles ist schön verpackt in eine gut funktionierende und visuell ansprechende App. Für alle die der Englishen oder einer der anderen aufgeführten Sprachen mächtig sind, ich kanns nur empfehlen

durch Flat_Soundz


Bis jetzt die beste App die ich gesehen habe. Tolle Bilder, tolle Animationen und ein toller Sound. Doch für die Texte reicht mein Englisch dann leider doch nicht ganz aus :P bitte eine Deutsche Version ;) ansonsten good work !

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