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Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Sebnarware, den Entwicklern von Avalanche Forecasts in Kontakt zu treten..

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About this app

We support 100+ forecast regions, sourced from the NWAC (Northwest US), CAIC (Colorado), UAC (Utah), SAC (Central Sierras), ESAC (Eastern Sierras), MSAC (Mount Shasta), BTAC (Jackson Hole), GNFAC (Bozeman), WCMAC (Missoula), FAC (Kalispell), SNFAC (Sun Valley), IPAC (Idaho Panhandle), PAC (McCall), MWAC (Mount Washington), KPAC (Flagstaff), WAC (NE Oregon), CBAC (Crested Butte), CNFAIC (Chugach), JAC (Juneau), AAC (Anchorage), HAIC (Haines), VAC (Valdez), Cordova, HPAC (Hatcher Pass), Avalanche Canada, Parks Canada, WhistlerBlackcomb, VIAC (Vancouver Island), and Avalanche Quebec (Chic Chocs) forecasting centers. 29 separate integrations to bring you the forecasts you need.  The easiest way to see current avalanche danger levels at-a-glance, for every forecast center in North America!  Bottom-line danger levels are shown color-coded for each forecast region on a map, based on the selected timeframe (Today/Tomorrow/2 Days Out).  Click on any region to view the detailed avalanche forecast from the source forecasting center.  All content you've viewed is cached for offline use, so you can refer back to the information you've seen even if you lose coverage in the mountains.  Please contact us at support@sebnarware. com with feature suggestions, bug reports, or other feedback.