星巴克中国 Übersicht


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星巴克App,解锁你的线上咖啡生活,将心注入,长久陪伴 体验丰富线上服务 啡快:在线点,到店取 专星送:咖啡美食一键送达 咖啡生活馆:精美星杯送到家 福利购:购买电子星礼卡和优惠券包,今后下单更优惠 多人团餐:会议咖啡、好友相聚,多人套餐一键点,配送到身边 送心意:为Ta挑选礼物。星礼卡,咖啡券,咖啡送达,还可定制祝福 拼单:一起购买省运费 体验星会员板块,品质咖啡生活,等你发现。 会员活动:参与活动赢星巴克周边好礼 星动市集:星星兑换专属周边产品 神奇的豆子:探索咖啡世界,了解咖啡知识 门店探索:线上体验星巴克门店 体验App会员码板块,门店扫码,消费积星 体验全新订单板块,查看消费详情,也可开发票,联系门店,或快速再来一单 体验便捷的个人中心板块,管理咖啡资产,设置咖啡喜好,合并开具发票,一路畅快无阻。

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Vici161001


PLEASE ADD THE MENU TO THE APP‼️‼️‼️ It would save so many people time and energy deciding under pressure what drink they want

durch Riffald

App needs improvement

I find the app not too much friendly to use. 1) Needs to be more visually clear to find the special offers. 2) needs more color, it's too boring 3) keep it simple 4) with improvement more people will rate it positively 5) the gold level is your last level? I think you could have other level options to keep us buying at Starbucks shops. More buys more deals. Maybe an exchange program of points for the in store gift items, that would be pretty nice too. ...

durch Matchi1981

An Great App for coffee lovers

When you are in China and you enjoy the taste of Starbucks coffee, this is the app worth to have. Easy to use, nice layout, good functions and very convenient buying your next drink with your phone.

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