Managing finance shouldn't be complicated and time-consuming, so Money Lover is the simplest finance application to keep track of expense and plan budgets ahead.
We partner with Finsify Hub to provide Linked Wallet which enables user to connect and synchronize bank accounts: transactions and account balance with Money Lover.
You will better understand where your money comes and goes with easy-to-read reports such as: total expense, total income, spending by each category or pending bills.
You can access to your data, track your money and view your budget, saving from any device you login thank to Cloud Syncing.
Download Money Lover today to better manage your money, stay on top of budgets and SAVE MONEY for your financial goals.
- Saving Planner: Set up saving goals and keep track your progress to save more money up.
Link Money Lover to bank accounts and get updates.
Looking for a powerful budgeting app? With Money Lover, you can easily plan budget for your expenses.
Keep track of your expense, income, debt, bill and payment within few taps on screen.
See all bank accounts report in one place, and better control your money.
Money Lover works seamlessly across devices and platforms: mobile app, Web and PC.
It helps you update account balance and your expense, income from bank accounts automatically.
You will have 3-day Free Trial before subscription is charged to your credit card through your iTunes account.
It's so easy to track your spending and see budgets' reports from everywhere you go.