Firmenname: Limitliss LLC
Über: Have you ever wondered "who is that actor?", or perhaps "when was this movie
released?", or "what was the title of that one episode of that show I
Have you wanted to answer those questions *without* being prompted to
log in every five seconds? Without advertisements, and without auto-playing
videos? Without relying on a multinational conglomerate that is trying to sell
you things?
You'll love Callsheet.
Callsheet is .
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durch Markus1982
Sorry, but subscription as the only option is a no go. A reasonable purchase price would be totally fine. Make it a yearly paid update or something but I don’t want to pay as much as an outright bought app and lose everything when stopping to pay. I learned this the hard way with adobe: paid the master collection for many years and I own NOTHING. can’t open my own files. So, subscription only is so out, Casey. Sorry, but 1 Star.
durch Bernd Goldschmidt
Nice looking, fast, good overview of everything you want to know. I already used the beta version on a daily basis.
Instantly bought a subscription.
Thanks, Casey!
durch F.ab1An
Wer öfter mal Schaupielerinnen und Schauspieler, Serien und Filme nachschlägt, ist mit dieser App wirklich gut beraten. Von einem einzelnen Entwickler geschrieben, ist sie um Längen besser als die mit Ablenkungen und (Tracking-)Werbung übersäte IMDB-App.
Zudem sind die Einstellmöglichkeiten zur Spoiler-Vermeidung eine tolle Idee.