The Blood Pressure Tracker BX App is your reliable, safe, and fast assistant, the smartest way to manage your blood pressure, track your progress, and help you stay healthy.
- Know which blood pressure zone you belong to by looking at our available numbers based on the latest guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA).
1) App al lows you to record, track and an a lyze trends in your blood pres sure.
You need a sep a rate blood pres sure mon i tor hardware to mea sure blood pres sure, then manually log the data into this app.
2) Blood Pressure Tracker App is NOT a substitute for a doctor or professional healthcare or advice.
Any health-related information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the advice of healthcare professionals.
- Subscriptions are billed automatically at the rate depending on the selected subscription plan.
It is meant only for fitness use and as a source of general health information.
- You can subscribe for unlimited access to all app’s features.
The app is not designed for medical purposes.