Hijri - This feature allows you to look up the Islamic calendar for future prayer times and also provides a function to record your daily prayers.
Tasbih - This feature includes an electronic tasbih and prayer beads counter to assist you in keeping count while reading your prayer or Dua.
Prayer times - Based on your current location, this app provides accurate prayer times and plays the magnificent audio of the Athan before each prayer.
Ummah - You can browse and post your thoughts on reciting the Quran, receive blessings from other Muslims, and raise your questions to be answered by the imam.
Azkar - This feature includes Dua and remembrance based on Hadiths and the Quran, which can be easily read and recited.
Qibla - This feature provides an easy-to-use compass that points in the direction of the Kaaba.
This app is the perfect companion for Muslims looking to stay on top of their religious obligations anytime, anywhere.
WeMuslim is a user-friendly and ad-free app designed for the Muslim community.
*Data charges may apply.
Contact your provider for details.