MINDFORGE Health Meditation app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

MINDFORGE Health Meditation funktioniert nicht

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Forge your mind to create a new life for you, stress-free, happy and
successful! Get better & refreshing sleep, get motivated for a healthy
lifestyle. Advance your skills and achieve your true potential.

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Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von MINDFORGE LTD, den Entwicklern von MINDFORGE Health Meditation in Kontakt zu treten..

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Developer: Surf City Apps

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: MINDFORGE Health Meditation Website besuchen

About this app

Allow your body to get back to default, healthy sleeping mode - and use it to your advantage. - Monthly subscriptions from $6,49. - Payment will be made at the time of purchase confirmation via your App Store account. - The premium membership will be automatically extended if you do not switch off the automatic renewal at least 24 hours before the premium membership expires. - Your account will be paid within 24 hours before expiration of the premium membership your subscription package for renewal. - You can manage your premium membership in your profile settings and turn auto-renewal on or off. - You can not cancel a current premium membership in the already started term.  Mindforging is a new technique that helps you mold your mind, rewrite your habits аnd succeed in any task you devote your valuable time, your effort, and your skills.  MINDFORGE empowers you to determine your targets and then "install" new, healthy, automatic habits and beliefs and forge them directly onto your mind.  Forge (or intensify) healthy and nourishing dietary habits to support a healthy relationship with food - eat with mindfulness.  Boost your appetite for the benefits exercise brings to your life; good health, good mood, longevity.  Boost your willpower to shed any extra weight you carry that burdens your life.  Forge your mind to create a new life for you, stress-free, happy and successful!  We created a single, most powerful tool, an app that draws principles from NLP, Hypnosis, Autosuggestion, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Positive Psychology and Guided Meditation.  An ENDLESS number of personalised sessions, for any time, any occasion, any challenge, any opportunity you and your family meet.  Remind yourself how a positive self-image can work to your benefit in every way, day, or part of life.  Longer walks or boosting your workout routine, enjoying your swimming, yoga, or any training practice; grow your taste for exercise.  Grow faith in the substantial outcomes hard work can bring to your life.  Every session you put together is personalised to your goal, your need, the obstacle or weakness you decide it’s now time to overcome.  Make sure you choose a healthy diet and watch your body transform.  Transform them to have a continuously decreasing power over your Life.  Get better & refreshing sleep, get motivated for a healthy lifestyle. 

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