Literal Club Übersicht

We're building Literal to let you share the most impactful moments of your reading and get a window into what moves the people you care about.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Build your personal library Keep track of what you’ve read and what you’d like to read in the future. Discover your next favourite book Go beyond bestseller-lists and algorithms to find the hidden gems. Follow the people you trust the most. Keep an archive of your highlights & notes We're building Literal to let you share the most impactful moments of your reading and get a window into what moves the people you care about. From a single paragraph to whole passages, save it and tie it all together. Share your favourite moments Bring your highlights seamlessly to Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp or wherever you feel like it. It’s yours.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch lou204m

Only log in

I couldn’t even sign up... I could just log in but I don’t have an account, how could I log in? There wasn’t a button or anything that said sign up

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