HomePaper for HomeKit

HomePaper for HomeKit Software


HomePa Übersicht

HomePaper will allow you to beautify your Home app with graceful backgrounds using images from Unsplash or your photo library.

HomePaper offers a single export for free, and an in-app purchase to unlock further unlimited exporting.

Combine said images with smooth gradients from presets or of your own creation and your home will be looking as sharp as ever.

Offizielle Bildschirmfotos


Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App will allow you to beautify your Home app with graceful backgrounds using images from Unsplash or your photo library. Combine said images with smooth gradients from presets or of your own creation and your home will be looking as sharp as ever. diese App offers a single export for free, and an in-app purchase to unlock further unlimited exporting.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch unbekannter

Danke an den Entwickler

Entwickler nimmt Rezensionen ernst und hat den Hintergrund Unschärfeeffekt anpassbar gemacht (sehr kurzer Zeit). Top, danke und die App tut genau was sie soll. Da ist das Geld ohne Abo fair.

durch PipitoPredator

Sehr gut!!

Einfach zu bedienen um eigene Hintergründe für die Home App zu erstellen sind mir die 1,09 wert. Top weiter so. Danke an den Entwickler.

durch sskora

Really cool!

Really cool I love the results. Would be nice if you could save “projects”. For example I exported images for my rooms but forgot to export them for iPad. Since I took the photos within the app, I cannot recreate the same images anymore. Also it would be cool if you could move the photo or resize them

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