hype - casual posts

hype - casual posts Software


hype Übersicht

Hype is a social app focused on authenticity and posting for fun, not for likes.

Offizielle Bildschirmfotos


Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Have you ever posted a photo or video then deleted it immediately after? Have you ever wanted to post a photo but wasn't sure if it was gram worthy? diese App is your solution to all those problems diese App is a social app focused on authenticity and posting for fun, not for likes. diese App has features such as: - Ability to play music on your profile - No public like counts - Ability to post gifs as comments - Ability to post gifs as posts - Ability to repost posts - Ability to comment audio messages - Much much more!

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch myyykle

Tips to improve hype

First of all, I‘m really hoping that you will see this because I some how got the idea of a global chat where you can switch locations and chat with other random people. It will probably get filled with self promos but it could be kind of interesting and you could find new people. I‘m not sure if it‘ll fit the app though. I missing some kind of private messages aswell. Anyways I‘m loving diese App already and the fact that you don’t see likes which I personally think is such a good idea. Have a great day and good luck improving diese App. :)

durch sheeeshshrvelenfbbd


This app is Fire nah has a lot of room to improve

durch Lennox Impink


I love it maybe add dms and can we pleaaseeee change or usernames

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