HTTP Request Maker !!

HTTP Request Maker !! Software


HTTP Request Maker Übersicht

Have you ever wanted to send HTTP requests for various methods when you are developing a server? In such cases, it is common to use cURL to send the request, but sometimes you can't remember the cURL command options and can't specify the parameters properly, or it is too much trouble to type the command every time.

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Have you ever wanted to send HTTP requests for various methods when you are developing a server? In such cases, it is common to use cURL to send the request, but sometimes you can't remember the cURL command options and can't specify the parameters properly, or it is too much trouble to type the command every time. This happens to me a lot. This app is for people like me. It's easy to use. First, you need to create an HTTP request. Then, just tap the HTTP request you created to send the HTTP request. In the settings, you can set automatic redirection, cache enable/disable, timeout time, etc.

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