Narrated: Listen to Articles

Narrated: Listen to Articles Software


Narrated Übersicht

Make podcasts out of online articles, emails, PDFs & listen to them on the go.

When you add a page or document to Narrated, we generate high-quality audio for it automatically.

You can now listen to all your documents one-by-one like you would do with podcasts.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Make podcasts out of online articles, emails, PDFs & listen to them on the go. diese App is a simple, high-quality text-to-speech reader for web pages and PDFs Don't have time to read that article, document or fanfiction? You can now listen to them when commuting or exercising!  When you add a page or document to diese App, we generate high-quality audio for it automatically. You can now listen to all your documents one-by-one like you would do with podcasts. Terms of Service: Privacy Policy:

Am beliebtesten apps in Magazines & Newspapers