Qure Finance | Copy Investing

Qure Finance | Copy Investing Software


Qure Finance Copy Investing Übersicht

Trading insights – professional’s predictions about what will happen to the stock in the future, whether it will rise or fall, estimated returns and period for which this profit should be achieved.

Eduqooore – books and podcasts recommendations, lessons “How to” about trading and investments, investor dictionary with main terms.

Where successful financial influencers share their insights about markets, news and educational content.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Qure.Finance (ex. Qooore) helping a new generation of investors earn money by following the insights of top-rated financial influencers, allowing them to learn and draw inspiration from their trading styles. Qure brings the social-media era to investing, breaking down the Wall Street barrier and giving young investors the chance to invest effectively in their futures. In app highlights: Trading insights Detailed stock insights from the Qure.Finance community - will the stock rise or fall, estimated returns and time frame for profit. Top rated traders Boost your trading rank by improving your profit-to-loss ratio Company news Headline stock market news on your favorite companies, right at your fingertips Eduqure Book and podcast recommendations, “how to” lessons on trading and investments, investor’s dictionary with key terms. Qure is all about equality - anyone and everyone can invest, no matter your professional or educational background. Qure helps protect investors against scammers and fraudulent advisors through an innovative rating system. Every influencer is ranked based on the accuracy of their previous insights. Anybody can become a content creator and share their ideas, while 5-star rated traders can monetize their content via a subscription-based model. Our key priorities: Protecting new investors from scammers Providing easy access to key financial knowledge Helping investors make money through our platform Download now and: Receive the latest news and prices for stocks and crypto Read breaking news updates on the hottest markets and trends Analyze user insights Find buy / sell / hold recommendations across a wide range of stocks and crypto Adjust your own prediction strategy All content published by Qure.Finance (Qooore corp) or Content Creators is made for personal use only. Same as All content is not intended to provide financial, legal, tax or investment advice or recommendations. Brokerage services are provided by Alpaca Securities LLC ("Alpaca"), member FINRA/SIPC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AlpacaDB, Inc. Technology and services are offered by AlpacaDB, Inc. Terms & Conditions https://www.qure.finance/terms

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch PommesRotWeiß

Like a clingy Girlfriend

Stop writing me push notifications like a needy girlfriend (don‘t need that in my life) if I don’t check the App regularly. Otherwise insights are good and the user experience is nice.

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