Easily share documents in PDF or JPEG format with others via email attachment and social media.
Scan document into clear & sharp image/PDF, to email, print, or save to cloud.
The OCR Text Recognition lets you recognize text from images then edit texts or share text to other apps.
Easily scan, save, and share any document in PDF or JPEG format.
Instantly print out documents in Document Scanner with a nearby printer via AirPrint.
Use your phone camera to scan receipts, notes, invoices, articles, business cards, certificates, etc.
If you need to protect your valuable scans, you can set up a password for the whole app or lock particular folders or documents.
Take this portable document scanner anywhere you go for your daily business needs.
DocumentScanner is a handy scanner app that will turn your iPhone or iPad into a powerful mobile scanner.
Smart cropping and auto enhancing make the texts and graphics look clear and sharp.
It doesn't require an Internet connection as all scans are stored locally on your device.
Sign contracts and share them with your counterparty.
It is widely used among real estate agents and in government form filling.