Firmenname: Goddess Wellbeing, Inc.
Über: The only app that improves your self-love, heals the roots of every problem like
stress, anxiety, depression, and even infertility with a customized program
according to your characteristics and personality.
- Well-being Journey with
Daily Self-Care Routines
Say hi to new you with the guidance of your well-being
and mindfulness coach! Daily self-care for your self-love! Women Empowerment app
brings you peace and helps you to .
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Developer: Goddess Wellbeing, Inc.
durch Epicaliya
Replies to my answers are not always saved.
Meditations are interrupted and the app closes by itself.
There is a lot to fix in this app.
durch Dilooosss 20
Cok güzel motivasyonlar veriliyor… cok güzel bir sayfa
durch Busekosif
Goddess’la 3. Yilim. 3 yildir yillik uyelik yapiyorum, cok memnunum. seslendirenin ses tonu, iceriklerin engin bilgi birikimine dayali olmasi ve konseptler gercekten oldukca basarili, kendimi meditasyona adamis birisi olarak soyluyorum ki gelmis gecmis en iyi turkce icerik. Tesekkur ederim bu appi kuranlara