By keeping the app on your phone, it will make it quick and easy to for you to be notified as a close contact should contact tracing be required in the future.
From Friday 29th April, the Protect Scotland app will no longer alert you if you have been in close proximity with a COVID-19 positive person.
If you do not update your existing app, the tracing will continue to show as ‘active’ but you will not receive close contact notifications.
Therefore, the app will no longer allow you to be aware of any potential infection risk that you may then pose to others, such as family members or work colleagues.
You can remove the app from your device at any time, and all the data stored on your phone will be deleted.
The Protect Scotland app is designed to protect the privacy of all users.
It doesn’t store or share any personally identifiable information, like your name or address.
The latest version of the app has tracing deactivated.
It is entirely voluntary to retain the app on your phone.
Nobody can track your location by using the app or tell who you are.