eSign App: e-Signature app Erfahrungen und Bewertung

eSign App: e-Signature app Erfahrungen und Bewertung

Veröffentlicht von on 2024-04-29

Über: Have you encountered these headache scenes in life? • I want to scan
documents such as contracts, but I don't have a scanner at hand. • Seeing the
foreign language on packaging bags, books, magazines, etc, I want to know what
it means but I can't find it.

Über eSign App

•Photo translation: Intelligent OCR algorithm helps you extract the text in the photo, and can be translated into multiple languages.

• Photo-to-text: Smart OCR algorithm helps you extract text from photos.

• Seeing the foreign language on packaging bags, books, magazines, etc, I want to know what it means but I can't find it.

Now, Text Scanner helps you solve all the above problems.

•batch scanning documents: After batch scanning, editing operations such as signatures can be performed.

• I want to scan documents such as contracts, but I don't have a scanner at hand.

Taking photos can be converted into texts, and photos can be translated immediately.

•Share files: The generated files can be shared with your relatives and friends with one click.

No need to rack your brains and type, no need to wait, just take a shot.


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