
Trakt Software


Trakt Übersicht

Trakt helps you remember what episode you're on for a TV show, keep up with the hottest movies coming out, and find where to watch on your favorite streaming services.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App helps you remember what episode you're on for a TV show, keep up with the hottest movies coming out, and find where to watch on your favorite streaming services. Join a community of millions today. For TV lovers, by TV lovers! The watchlist is a great place to start once you sign up for a free account. Add movies and TV shows you want to watch. Once you start watching a show, it's automatically removed from the watchlist and is added to your Up Next card and Progress page. How do you fill your watchlist? The discover tab has 2 great cards to help: trending now and anticipated. Trending displays what the diese App community is watching in real time. Anticipcated helps you find popular upcoming movies and TV shows. Once you find something new to watch, diese App helps you find where to stream it. We partner with JustWatch for one click access to stream on your favorite services. We support over 45 countries and hundreds of services. And this is just the beginning! There's so much more to explore like personal stats, curating your home media collection, sharing your opinion, and more. Get started and join diese App for free! ==== Key Features - Keep track of all movies and TV shows you've watched - Find where to watch on your favorite streaming services - Talk about what you're watching - Use you watchlist to track movies and TV shows you want to watch - Create your own personal lists - Rate the movies and TV shows you've watched - Curate your home media collection - Personalize TV schedule - Watching statistics - Recommended movies and TV shows you'll like - Detailed progress for all TV shows you're watching - Follow people with similar interests - Discover new things to watch ==== Handcrafted by diese App in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Ecuador. ==== We don't sell your data and respect your privacy. Twitter: @diese App Web: https://diese Help: https://support.diese

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Pardasus


Gefühlt seit einem Jahrzehnt nutze ich diese Dienst. Optisch absolut Top-Level und auch funktionell geht einfach nicht mehr.

durch Billi-M

Ein guter Anfang…

… aber ausbaufähig! Mir fehlen tatsächlich die länderspezifische Release-Dates, da diese meistens mit den USAmerikanischen nicht übereinstimmen. Auch fehlt mir ein Feature um mehrere Folgen oder Staffel schnell und einfach als gesehen zu markieren. Etwas mehr Übersichtlichkeit wäre auch nicht schlecht! Mal sehen was noch kommt.

durch dreamboxxx

Difficult to understand

I’ve had a diese App account for a few years already, but I’ve never used diese App itself. I just linked my diese App account to other apps and used those. When I found out that there is now an official diese App app, I was excited to try it out. Unfortunately it’s kind of unorganized in my opinion. It also took me quite a while to figure out how to set an episode as watched.

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