the linguist

the linguist Software


Über: The Content Marketers AI solution.
Hauptsitz: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

the linguist Übersicht

learn with your ears, not with your eyes! We’re teaching you how to speak excellent English.

Many students know a lot of grammar rules, a lot of vocabulary but when it comes time to speak, they are not able to use them.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Learn Like a Kid Children are the best and most natural language learners. If they are given the right conditions, they learn languages effortlessly. Learn with your ears learn with your ears, not with your eyes! We’re teaching you how to speak excellent English. Never Study Grammar Rules Many students know a lot of grammar rules, a lot of vocabulary but when it comes time to speak, they are not able to use them.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch ecmthr


در آپدیت جدیدشم تغییری نکرد و هیچ منو و گزینه ای برای وارد کردن کاربر ندارد

durch Fafa SR

اپ پولی

چرا وقتی کاملا پولیه و حتی یک کلمه هم رایگان نداره از همون اول برای خریداری نمیذارینش؟!

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