PolyGit Git Client

PolyGit Git Client Software


PolyGit Git Client Übersicht

Built-in syntax highlighting for more than 75 languages and custom keyboard keys makes editing code a breeze.

Get a deeper understanding of your repository by viewing the Directed Acyclic Graph underpining it all.

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Update your repositories from anywhere. PolyGit is a Git client designed for simplicity and ease of use. Your entire commit history is accessible with just a few taps. Git has never been easier than this. # Commit Graph Visualize the connections between your commits, branches and tags. Get a deeper understanding of your repository by viewing the Directed Acyclic Graph underpining it all. # Effortless Text Editing Built-in syntax highlighting for more than 75 languages and custom keyboard keys makes editing code a breeze. Make quick updates on the go and push commits in seconds. # Merge, Rebase, Cherry-pick & More Modify your repository with confidence. Git's powerful commands are here with detailed previews and explanations so you always make the right changes.

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