CoronaFACTS Software


Über: The Wellcome Trust is a British biomedical research charity.
Hauptsitz: London, England, United Kingdom.

CoronaFACTS Übersicht

CoronaFACTS is an informational service provided by the Trusted Medical in collaboration National Coordination Center (a US-based low-profit private sector healthcare improvement organization) with content supported by physicians who have practiced or are practicing at leading healthcare organizations.

With automated updates from the leading global healthcare information organization, CoronaFACTS provides an interactive map in the palm of your hand.

In order to keep you more informed, CoronaFACTS also provides you with global newsfeeds that can be sorted by country so you can track information about local news in one application.

Created by physicians, CoronaFACTS provides a trusted source of information on the spread of coronavirus globally.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App is an informational service provided by the Trusted Medical in collaboration National Coordination Center (a US-based low-profit private sector healthcare improvement organization) with content supported by physicians who have practiced or are practicing at leading healthcare organizations.  Created by physicians, diese App provides a trusted source of information on the spread of coronavirus globally.   With automated updates from the leading global healthcare information organization, diese App provides an interactive map in the palm of your hand.   In addition, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provides information with relevant citations of the source, so you can trace the foundation of the answer.   In order to keep you more informed, diese App also provides you with global newsfeeds that can be sorted by country so you can track information about local news in one application.   Links to growing resources libraries on diese provide additional information quickly and easily.

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