Ink - Note, Sketch, Annotation

Ink - Note, Sketch, Annotation Software


Ink Übersicht

The delicate brushstrokes can capture subtle changes in strength and angle, and the collapsable toolbar is more than enough to meet your various needs.

Numerous paper templates are available for different purposes, whether you’re in need of a notebook for school or a sketchbook for art.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App is a brand new handwriting app that has been carefully polished. With an intuitive interface and fluid animation effects, diese App is both functional and elegant. The delicate brushstrokes can capture subtle changes in strength and angle, and the collapsable toolbar is more than enough to meet your various needs. Numerous paper templates are available for different purposes, whether you’re in need of a notebook for school or a sketchbook for art. On-device text recognition allows you to search for even handwritten notes. Whether for writing or drawing, diese App is a high-quality choice for recording inspiration and organizing information.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch roger.rebel

Ganz große Klasse 👍

Diese App ist extrem minimalistisch, aber dafür schnell produktiv im Einsatz. Genau das was ich schon lange gesucht habe. Wenn ich mir etwas wünschen würde wären es weitere Exportfunktionen, z.B. direkt in die Apple Notizen-App oder andere, nicht PDF-Formate. Gerne würde ich für die Nutzung etwas bezahlen 🤔 Hoffentlich wird die App auch weiterhin supported.

durch Mystik_2025


Sehr simpel gehalten, kein Stress beim benutzen, einfach super!

durch alexander.hose

Great Concept!

Great Visuals and overall Design! Unfortunately there are still a few essential features missing from the app, for example copy and paste of documents, sending files to the app (I can only open them via explorer), controls over the size of a added pdf (large PDF files make the pencil appear super thin and make writing very laggy) or the feature to import files to an existing document. I hope the work on the app continues. In my opinion, when the things above are solved, this app is already better than Notability or GoodNotes!

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