Duologue offers high-end duotone filters that we specially created together with leading color and design experts.
MetalKit makes it possible to adjust and edit pictures using a faster, finer retouching correction process.
: Choose from amazing duotone filters specially created by color experts.
: Our Smart Filter Recommendation Feature will find the best artificially optimized filter for each picture.
: Edit your pictures faster to create even more beautiful images.
Use our recommended filters to add beauty to your pictures.
“ We can't make you to take a good picture, but we can help you create a unique one.
Use the app to express your unique personality and make your memories even more special.
If you want to love your photos all over again, please join together with Duologue.
● Make fine-tuned adjustments for the best performance with MetalKit.
The most surprising news for users is that we constantly update our app.