NovelCat-- a high quality reading APP, you can enjoy massive popular novels and comfortable reading experience here.
Reminder: If you need to cancel NovelCat’s automatic renewal, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance.
NovelCat contains various kinds of book genres, Romance, History, Modern, Billionaire... You can choose the genres that you are interested in.
Serialized novels are updated in real time, readers catch up with the novels in a fast speed without missing highlight.
You can change the theme, text size, font style and page flip animation according to your preference.
If you cancel within 24 hours before expiration, the subscription fee will be incurred.
Many settings can be adjusted to create a comfortable reading experience for you.
Different rankings also help you to pick your favorite novels.
Renewal: iTunes account will be deducted within 24 hours before expiration.
Batch unlock and download chapters, you can read anytime and anywhere without a limited on network.
As deduction is successful, the subscription period will be extended.
Continuous check-in and daily missions bring you numerous vouchers.
Once the prime is activated, the paid part does not support refunds.
You can cancel automatic renewal according to the above related operations, and there will be no deduction again after cancellation.