We’ve created next gen to-do lists to make sure you don’t miss out on great books, must-see movies or amazing places recommended by your friends.
And once you’ve enjoyed all these… your memories will automatically grow and create an invaluable mapping of your culture and key experiences over the years.
Our Artificial Intelligence add automatically details on movies, series, books and places.
Connect your existing gallery to find and sort your long-forgotten photos automatically using our image recognition technology.
Discover your friends's favorite gems (restaurants, books, series, ...) and share yours with them.
Say goodbye to painful to-do lists, messy notes and lost screenshots.
Memorizer stores everything you want to do and remember in a single place.
So your memories and photos are always secured and available even if you lose your iPhone.
Say goodbye to messy notes and iphone photo galeries.
Your insights will help us build the next essential App dedicated to wishes and souvenirs.
Save anything you want to remember in a few seconds.
Memorizer doesn't take any space on your phone.
For a better memory, a better culture, a better life.
Add items to your everyday bucket list.