Create unlimited group chats and use WishRoll's user generated reaction videos, gifs, memes, and photos to express yourself in the chat.
Find trending topics and voice your opinion in your own chat room or join a chat room and begin expressing yourself with reaction media.
WishRoll compiles all reaction pictures, videos, and gifs into one accessible database and search engine.
Thinking of a reaction video and not finding it can be frustrating but, WishRoll allows you to search and find what you’re looking for.
You simply type keywords that describe the reaction video/picture that you’re looking for and thousands of related media show up.
Create a profile and find people to share your reaction media.
Instead, it allows for user-created reaction gifs, pictures, and videos.
Save storage on your camera roll by offloading your reaction media on the app.
WishRoll doesn’t present an unchanging, outdated library of the same 2-second gifs of movies from the early 2000s.
Create topics and start conversations about the issues and categories that you're passionate and interested in.