Quran | القرآن الكريم

Quran | القرآن الكريم Software


Quran القرآن الكريم Übersicht

Quran is an amazing Quran app that beautifies your life with the blessing of reading to the Quran on the go.

Simplest App you will find in the Appstore for Reading Quran.

Most authentic Quran app without any Advertisements or Disturbance.

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Most authentic Quran app without any Advertisements or Disturbance. Simplest App you will find in the Appstore for Reading Quran. Quran is an amazing Quran app that beautifies your life with the blessing of reading to the Quran on the go. All the contents of this app was collected from authentic website tanzil.net [+] Change the font and sizes of the font [+] Easy to read with cool color [+] Remembers Last Point [+] No Advertisements

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