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Vollständige Anleitung zur Fehlerbehebung der Miniila app auf iOS- und Android-Geräten. Lösen Sie alle Probleme, Fehler, Verbindungsprobleme, Installationsprobleme und Abstürze der Miniila app.
Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Missing Children Europe, den Entwicklern von Miniila in Kontakt zu treten..
The app also provides child-friendly information on the existing support for children in the European Union, on how to reach safety and on relevant procedures, such as procedures for international protection and family reunification. The services are available on a map depending on where the child finds themselves, and are categorized by types: "helpline", "food", "shelter", "toilet/shower", "family", "health", "education", "clothing", "faith", "fun", "asylum" and "guardians". diese App is an app tailored to the needs of children in migration, with a focus on facilitating access to dedicated services in the area in which they find themselves. Don't worry - we are not going to give this information to anyone (not police, not asylum authorities, no one)! All services included in the App are from trusted NGOs and international organisations. This app is available in several languages: English, French, Arabic, Farsi and Tigrinya. It's also available in Belgium, Sweden, the UK, Bulgaria, Italy, Germany and Greece. We just want to show you help closest to you and help you reach safety. The diese App app is an initiative from Missing Children Europe. And we won't tell anyone where you are.