PHRemote - Pi-hole Remote

PHRemote - Pi-hole Remote Software


PHRemote Übersicht

Ever have the situation where you can't get to a website or view some content on your streaming device? You may discover that your Pi-hole is blocking something and you need to disable it for awhile to view your content.

Logging into the website to disable your Pi-hole can be a tedious process, so PHRemote can solve your issue when you configure it to connect to your Pi-hole.

PHRemote is a tool for disabling and enabling your Pi-hole network-wide ad blocker.

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** Remote control for Pi-hole network wide ad blocker. You must have a Pi-hole on your LAN for this tool to be useful. diese App is a tool for disabling and enabling your Pi-hole network-wide ad blocker. Ever have the situation where you can't get to a website or view some content on your streaming device? You may discover that your Pi-hole is blocking something and you need to disable it for awhile to view your content. Logging into the website to disable your Pi-hole can be a tedious process, so diese App can solve your issue when you configure it to connect to your Pi-hole. Best thing is it works for all IOS versions from IOS version 11.0. Features include: - Dark Mode - Supports two devices - Customize the disable buttons - Enable/Disable and set polling interval - Enable/Disable and set connection timeout - Enable/Disable Cellular communication - View Block list - View Forwarded List - Add blocked domains to white list - Add forwarded domains to block list - Scan QR Code to setup API key - API key is stored securely

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch SvenFrederik


The Developer contacted me with an easy workaround for the non Us region Keyboard issue. Works like a charm now. Many thanks for the quick response.

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