Mom Life Baby Care Simulator

Mom Life Baby Care Simulator Software


Mom Life Ba Übersicht

Mom Simulator is all about real life experience of a mother's life.

Complete every task life an actual mother.

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Mom Simulator is all about real life experience of a mother's life. Take care of your baby, home and yourself. Complete every task life an actual mother. Your life isn't going to be easy. You have to everything to raise your baby including; - Make milk and feed your baby. - Powder your baby. - Remove a dirty diaper and clean your baby - Keep your baby hydrated. - Bring new toys for your baby. - Don't miss your food during busy routine. - Keep your house clean. - Puppy Chapter - Mother Shopping Chapter

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch palutena_Palu

Nur Level

Das Spiel ist Müll weil es nur Level gibt anstatt dem Alltag 😔😤🤬

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