AHRQuestionBuilder Übersicht

Users can add appointment information to their e-calendar and send details to their personal email account.

Users are prompted to describe their symptoms and concerns in ways that will save time for both themselves and their medical providers.

Users enter details such as date, healthcare provider, and reason for the visit.

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The Question Builder helps patients prepare for medical visits so they get the most from their appointments. Users enter details such as date, healthcare provider, and reason for the visit. Next, they can choose or customize questions they want to ask at their appointment. Users are prompted to describe their symptoms and concerns in ways that will save time for both themselves and their medical providers. Users can add appointment information to their e-calendar and send details to their personal email account. For more information about Question Builder, please visit https://www.ahrq.gov/patients-consumers/patient-involvement/ask-your-doctor/index.html

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