Aurora Nowcast app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

Aurora Nowcast funktioniert nicht

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This app detects and notify you when there are polar lights near you. Aurora
Nowcast have three nowcast features: • Notifications when it is likely to see
the aurora near you - based on actual measurements from a nearby station.

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Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Narwhal, den Entwicklern von Aurora Nowcast in Kontakt zu treten..

24.39% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: jRustonApps B.V.

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Aurora Nowcast Website besuchen

75% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: Fred Sigernes

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Fred Sigernes Website besuchen

About this app

This feature is possible if you live in Greenland, Faroe Islands or Denmark. • A local aurora model over Greenland, visible on a map when the magnetic field is active, based on the same measurements as the notification feature. • A global aurora model, visible on a map, based on a magnetic index.  This app detects and notify you when there are polar lights near you. • Notifications when it is likely to see the aurora near you - based on actual measurements from a nearby station.  Aurora Nowcast let you discover, experience and explore the mystic phenomena Aurora.  Additionally, the app guides you through different aspects of the phenomena, authored by experts and boosted with illustrations.  The app supports Greenlandic, Faroes, English, Danish and Swedish. 

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