We save you time and money by finding the latest Deals, Coupons and Freebie offers that matter most to you and your family - every day! Score big discounts from your favorite retailers: Target, Amazon, Kohl’s, Walmart and more.
We also match current store sales with additional ways to save money such as unique offers from ibotta, fetch rewards, checkout 51, ebates, saving star, topcashback, honey, dosh and various rebates.
Save 50% (or more) on everyday purchases! Imagine never paying full-price again on things you already buy, like toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, groceries, diapers and shoes.
* Some store deals use printable coupons from coupons.com that you can print for free.
We post over 50 new deals each day from your favorite brands, including high-end makeup brands.
Other stores we cover are CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Old Navy, Gap, Victoria’s Secret, Ulta, Sephora and most major US retailers.
* Want to learn more about couponing and saving? We will teach you! - Check out the How To Coupon section in the app.
* Deals for every type of shopper, from beginners to experienced extreme couponers.
Free Stuff Finder is a leading national savings and deal community.
* Both online deals and in-store sales are covered each day.
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