Glide - Your City

Glide - Your City Software


Über: Hang Gliding Tahoe provide hang gliding above the lake tahoe.
Hauptsitz: Carson City, Nevada, United States.

Glide Übersicht

Your favorite coffee shop is too far to walk on your break or in-between classes? Glide over and back without breaking a sweat.

Had to park far from your destination? Ride a Glide and turn an inconvenience to a good time.

Glide puts your city at your fingertips with fast, fun, dockless scooters that will get you from A to B without the hassle.

Glide is $1 to start, arriving faster and costing a fraction of a taxi or rideshare.

Late for class? Grab a Glide and get there with time to spare.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

diese App puts your city at your fingertips with fast, fun, dockless scooters that will get you from A to B without the hassle. Had to park far from your destination? Ride a diese App and turn an inconvenience to a good time. Late for class? Grab a diese App and get there with time to spare. Your favorite coffee shop is too far to walk on your break or in-between classes? diese App over and back without breaking a sweat. Get Started: 1. Download the app. 2. Register. 3. Find a diese App. 4. Scan the QR code. 5. diese App safely to your destination. 6. Park diese App according to local rules. 7. End your ride. When to diese App: 1. Work commute 2. Crossing campus 3. On a date 4. Pleasure ride with friends 5. To and from public transit 6. Exploring a new corner of town 7. Any short-distance trip 8. If it’s too far to walk and too short to lose your parking space! diese App is $1 to start, arriving faster and costing a fraction of a taxi or rideshare. Visit for more information, benefits, rules, and job opportunities.

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