
Pexels Software


Pexels Übersicht

Not only can you track your success as your photos get viewed and downloaded, you’ll also get to hear from the people using your imagery all around the world—from major publications to meaningful non-profits.

Plus, we’ll connect you with the global community of Pexels photographers to help you level up your skills and stay inspired.

With fresh, new photos and videos added every day, find your inspiration by browsing the top trending images or curated collections.

The Pexels app gives you unlimited access to over 3 million free, high-resolution photos and videos.

Our beautiful library is donated by a global community of talented photographers who share their work for everyone to use freely.

After downloading, choose to support the photographers who make Pexels possible by donating to their PayPal or saying thanks on social media.

Powered by an algorithm and curated by our team, you’ll find inclusive, diverse and true photography with every search.

Organize and share your favorite photos and videos with the collect tool.

Offizielle Bildschirmfotos


Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

The diese App app gives you unlimited access to over 3 million free, high-resolution photos and videos. Our beautiful library is donated by a global community of talented photographers who share their work for everyone to use freely. And you can be part of that community. Use diese App photos and videos as wallpapers, in presentations, on social media, or wherever you choose! The most diverse free photos and videos Powered by an algorithm and curated by our team, you’ll find inclusive, diverse and true photography with every search. We’re constantly improving our results and library, so if we missed the mark, let us know and we’ll fix it. A daily dose of inspiration With fresh, new photos and videos added every day, find your inspiration by browsing the top trending images or curated collections. diese App is for everyone Grab your phone or camera and join us. Upload your photos to reach millions and see the positive impact your work can have. Not only can you track your success as your photos get viewed and downloaded, you’ll also get to hear from the people using your imagery all around the world—from major publications to meaningful non-profits. Plus, we’ll connect you with the global community of diese App photographers to help you level up your skills and stay inspired. Give back to artists After downloading, choose to support the photographers who make diese App possible by donating to their PayPal or saying thanks on social media. Create a collection Organize and share your favorite photos and videos with the collect tool. With a diese App account, you can save your work on both mobile and desktop.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Marster300

Sehr gelungene App

Ich mag diese App sehr gerne, die Qualität der Bilder ist wirklich extrem gut. Des Weiteren ist es praktisch um z.b eine Präsentation zu verschönern oder eine Internetseite auszuschmücken. Kleiner Kritikpunkt mir fehlt der Dark Mode, da es im Dunkeln schon sehr anstrengend für die Augen ist, wenn die Hellen weißen Ramen um die Bilder in die Augen scheinen. Ansonsten eine sehr schöne App ohne Werbung Top!!!!

durch Gehtdichnichtsan2801

Viele schöne Bilder

Viele schöne Bilder mit hoher Auflösung.

durch didi090302

Sehr gut

- einfaches Design - einfache Benutzung - viele Bilder (je nach Genre, etc.) - ein Darkmode wäre noch toll

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