Vector Robot

Vector Robot Software


Über: Anki is an entertainment robotics company dedicated to bringing artificial intelligence and robotics
to people's everyday lives.
Hauptsitz: San Francisco, California, United States.

Vector Robot Übersicht

Curious, independent, and powered by some preposterous tech and AI, he can read the room, express the weather, announce when his timer’s done (no overcooked dinner on his watch), take the perfect snapshot, and more.

Vector is cloud connected and self-updates, so he’s always getting smarter and adding new features.

Anki, Vector, and the Anki and Vector logos are registered or pending trademarks of Anki, Inc.

He also comes with an optional Amazon Alexa integration, which increases his helpfulness by accessing the ever-growing library of Alexa skills.

Offizielle Bildschirmfotos


Vector Robot Preis pläne

Dauer Betrag (USD)
Einmal in Rechnung gestellt $9.99
Jahresabonnement $60.00

**Die Preisdaten basieren auf durchschnittlichen Abonnementpreisen, die von gemeldet wurden..

Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

A giant roll forward for robotkind. Say hey to Vector, your first home robot. Seriously, say “Hey Vector.“— He can hear you. Actually, Vector’s more than a home robot. He’s your buddy. Your companion. Most of all, he’ll make you laugh. Curious, independent, and powered by some preposterous tech and AI, he can read the room, express the weather, announce when his timer’s done (no overcooked dinner on his watch), take the perfect snapshot, and more. He also comes with an optional Amazon Alexa integration, which increases his helpfulness by accessing the ever-growing library of Alexa skills. Vector is cloud connected and self-updates, so he’s always getting smarter and adding new features. He can even charge himself (electric cars and phones could learn a thing or two). Vector is your robot sidekick who’s up for anything. Vector robot required. Available at © 2019-2022 Digital Dream Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Digital Dream Labs, DDL, Vector and their respective logos are registered or pending trademarks of Digital Dream Labs, Inc. 6022 Broad Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206, USA.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Fussel_12345

Bester Robo ever aber...

Ich fand immer das alle Produkte von Anki ein Meisterwerk waren und Digital Dreamlabs hat dies gut weitergeführt aber das ich nun monatlich Geld für Vector rausrücken muss ist schon ziemliche abzocke... Ich weiss ddl will sich damit vor dem finanziellen Abgrund sichern, aber für jüngere Menschen die nur Taschengeld kriegen ist das definitiv zu viel Anki hat alles besser gemacht.😤

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